Photo Post – Kluane to the Kenai

Post #5 – 8/11/24

Kings Throne Peak Summit in Kluane NP, Yukon, Canada
100 Mile View to the Ice Field ranges from the top of Kings Throne Peak
Mount Logan (highest peak in Canada) on skyline just to the left of the top of cairn
Kluane front range mountains
Vulcan Creek glacier in northern Kluane NP
Root glacier in Wrangell – St. Elias NP
McCarthy, AK near Kennecott
Old hardware store in McCarthy
Hiking on the Root Glacier
KJ ice climbing on the Root Glacier
Descending in a moulin (naturally water drilled hole) in the Root Glacier (where’s the bottom?)
Working my way out. This ice was very hard!
Almost there!
Our guide at Kennecott and family friend (Jake) from Conifer, CO
Old Kennecott mill
Peak above Kennecott
Another insanely beautiful glacier view along the Glacier View Highway
And another
The first Russian Orthodox church in Kenai
Salmon in the Russian River on their spawning run
Exit Glacier in Kenai Fjords NP
Overlooking the Exit Glacier
Humpback whales “bubble net” feeding
More Humpbacks
and more
Fin whales spouting near the Humpbacks
Speaking of fins . . .
Kenai Fjords NP
Sea Lions at Kenai Fjords
Aialik tidewater glacier in Kenai Fjords NP. We saw 5 calving events.
Loungin’ & cool!
And another stunning waterfall
Vehicle and train tunnel (Anton Anderson Memorial tunnel) to Whittier, AK. Longest (2.5 miles) vehicle tunnel in North America.
Artifact in Whittier from the 1964 earthquake and tsunamis. Enlarge the photo to read about the 104′ tsunami and how this artifact came to be.
Portage Lake Pass and glacier from Whittier

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